OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Obsessions and Compulsions
Obsession and compulsions are commonly grouped together and known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD). It is thought that 8-44% of OCD sufferers may experience obsessional ruminations without overt compulsions and are good at covering up their condition as frequently too embarrassed to seek professional help. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, as the name suggests, consists of compulsions and obsessions.
Obsessions are persistent involuntary thoughts, images or impulses which are experienced as unpleasant and anxiety provoking. Most of us though will have experienced the odd obesssional thought, however, if these thoughts occur regularly and interfere with normal daily routines and relationships they can cause various degrees of distress.
Compulsions are overt repetitive behaviours such as hand washing, checking, and hoarding, ritualistic behaviour and repetititions. Compulsions are actions a person feels compelled to perform to reduce the anxiety they feel from an obsession. They are repeated continuously and often carried out without the conscious thought. Research has found that OCD usually appears in childhood or adoleselence and the symptoms may come and go, ease over time or get worse or be triggered by a current or past event. Stress is known to be a trigger.
General symptoms of OCD are persistent unwanted thoughts, chronic worrying, obsessions, irritability, loss of concentration, need for symmetry or contamination and trouble sleeping.
People who suffer from OCD often have a personality type prone to worrying and in some cases an inherited factor. It can also be that they are wary of making mistakes and tend to be rigid and inflexible to problems and suffer from excessive professionalism. Indeed, many people may recognise some of the characteristics which can just be slightly exaggerated personality traits but as OCD as a type knows no boundaries it is often concealed by the sufferer as they function in work places and homes. In more extreme cases family and friends may help hide any symptoms and go as far as to enable the condition.
Drugs are prescribed for OCD but as it is known that stress can either exacerbate or trigger the onset of OCD and that hypnotherapy; CBT and NLP greatly alleviate stress allowing the client to manage their condition and live comfortable and happy lives. Clients with OCD do need to confirm to therapist that have diagnosis from their doctor and if on medication.
Clients will understand that everybody has obsessive thoughts from time to time but with the combined blending of protocols they can help control beliefs and in turn, neutralise beliefs and compulsions. The mind body connection established with hypnosis clients are able to understand they can control their body and indeed regulate their thoughts. This reduces stress and worry, knowing that you are in control of your own mind and reactions which is very positive. A combination of Hypnoanalysis NLP and CBT is effective and helps find the root cause of the problem and is effective in resolving the underlying anxiety that drives obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions.
Obsessions are persistent involuntary thoughts, images or impulses which are experienced as unpleasant and anxiety provoking. Most of us though will have experienced the odd obesssional thought, however, if these thoughts occur regularly and interfere with normal daily routines and relationships they can cause various degrees of distress.
Compulsions are overt repetitive behaviours such as hand washing, checking, and hoarding, ritualistic behaviour and repetititions. Compulsions are actions a person feels compelled to perform to reduce the anxiety they feel from an obsession. They are repeated continuously and often carried out without the conscious thought. Research has found that OCD usually appears in childhood or adoleselence and the symptoms may come and go, ease over time or get worse or be triggered by a current or past event. Stress is known to be a trigger.
General symptoms of OCD are persistent unwanted thoughts, chronic worrying, obsessions, irritability, loss of concentration, need for symmetry or contamination and trouble sleeping.
People who suffer from OCD often have a personality type prone to worrying and in some cases an inherited factor. It can also be that they are wary of making mistakes and tend to be rigid and inflexible to problems and suffer from excessive professionalism. Indeed, many people may recognise some of the characteristics which can just be slightly exaggerated personality traits but as OCD as a type knows no boundaries it is often concealed by the sufferer as they function in work places and homes. In more extreme cases family and friends may help hide any symptoms and go as far as to enable the condition.
Drugs are prescribed for OCD but as it is known that stress can either exacerbate or trigger the onset of OCD and that hypnotherapy; CBT and NLP greatly alleviate stress allowing the client to manage their condition and live comfortable and happy lives. Clients with OCD do need to confirm to therapist that have diagnosis from their doctor and if on medication.
Clients will understand that everybody has obsessive thoughts from time to time but with the combined blending of protocols they can help control beliefs and in turn, neutralise beliefs and compulsions. The mind body connection established with hypnosis clients are able to understand they can control their body and indeed regulate their thoughts. This reduces stress and worry, knowing that you are in control of your own mind and reactions which is very positive. A combination of Hypnoanalysis NLP and CBT is effective and helps find the root cause of the problem and is effective in resolving the underlying anxiety that drives obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions.